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Life After Chemo- What I’ve Been Up To |
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Health Lifestyle

Life After Chemo- What I’ve Been Up To

August 29, 2021

Greetings and Salutations!!

I know It’s been a REALLY long time since I’ve made contact with you but I needed to take a step back and try to regain some semblance of normalcy. So, welcome back to my regular readers and a big welcome to the newbies. If you’d like to catch up you can browse the site or start here. I say start here because my life is basically brand new since completing treatment. I absolutely feel like my slate has been wiped clean.

To say that life has changed would be an understatement, long after completing chemotherapy you still have to go through tests and doctor visits and although I can manage the anxiety surrounding the results much better now, I wouldn’t wish the prodding and poking on anyone. 

I’ve long since reached acceptance and there are so many things I want to share with you as my readers and also as anyone who unfortunately has been diagnosed. Managing your mental health as well as your physical health does not stop when you complete chemotherapy, If anything it got a little harder for me. I’ll discuss that in another post later on. The main reason I have been away so long is because I’ve been focused on maintaining my peace and staying as stress free as possible in these uncertain times. When I announced my diagnosis, I was inundated with opinions, advice and questions, I wanted to ensure I was ready for that before blogging again. 

I hope that the information that I share moving forward can help even one person as they embark on this journey. Welcome to the army, we are warriors, we are fighters and we will win. To those who have stuck around,  sent me words of encouragement, thoughtful gifts, I appreciate you and my gratitude is never ending. 

Faith and Love, 


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