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Natural Flu Remedy |
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Natural Flu Remedy

January 4, 2019

Tell that cold or flu to chuck awfff!

Before all these crazy pharmaceuticals, there was some good ol’ bush or root to make into a tea to drink. Your granny would use these old remedies which would lessen the severity of what ails you or make it all better. Just like that! Here are a few I use:

1. My most favorite, tried and true, is Elderberry Syrup. I usually couple Elderberry Syrup with some of my other favorite herbs and supplements listed below.

2. Oregano oil: anti viral, anti fungal, anti bacterial, anti inflammatory, it’s an antiseptic and is also an antioxidant. I dare say this can cure you from a bad breakup. Taking the capsules at the onset of symptoms will nip that virus in the bud!

3. Prebiotics and Probiotics; it is well known that having great gut health equals a wicked working immune system and better elimination. Prebiotics in a nut shell boosts probiotic bacteria and probiotics aids immune function and helps keeps the gut in check.

4. Vit C: an overlooked vitamin, vit c is essential and contributes to our bodies overall function. It’s an awesome antioxidant and maintains akin, bones, tissue and blood vessels. It also helps with absorption of iron and strengthens the resistance to infection.

5. Echinacea and Goldenseal: the combination of these two herbs work together to get the immune system pumping. If taken at the first sign of a cold or flu, it may stop the progression of the virus.

6: Thyme: this antiseptic and expectorant herb is great for quieting coughs and reducing the effects of a cold! It helps to loosen and expel mucous. Made into a tea sweetened with a bit of honey, it’s delicious and calming.

You don’t have to wait until you have the flu to try these things. Build up your immune system throughout the year. That way, your immune system should be able to fight off any illnesses. That way you’ll be bulletproof when everyone else is coughing.

Stay Healthy,

Loni JW

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